French Homework Program

This year, students will be given a choice in what sort of homework they'd like to complete in French.  The big idea is that they do some independent learning on a variety of different subjects. Please take a look at the following guidelines to make sure your child is successful.

1. Students can work independently, or with parent support.  Parents must approve the topic of the homework project at least one week before the due date ( a note in the agenda with the topic is perfect ).

2. Homework assignments are due on the Thursday of every second week, but they can be brought in earlier.

3. The topic must be new learning for the students.  It should be something that they don’t already know, and that they will learn by doing research, design or experiments.

4. Student work will be evaluated in two ways: homework completion as a learning skill, and their ability to present their work in front of the class for an Oral and Visual Communication mark. That is why it's so important that students know what they are doing, and that they do the majority of the work on their assignments.

5. Students can choose any topic they want, but it must be appropriate, and have the approval of parents and the teacher.

6. There must be a written, digital or physical component of the project.  Homework missing a written, digital or physical component will be considered incomplete. Each presentation must be completely in French and should be between 3 and 5 minutes, including a question session.

7.The topic must be original. Once a topic is covered, no other students will be allowed to do it. If two students choose the same topic, it will be given to the student who chooses first, with parent confirmation. The other student will be asked to choose a new topic.

The most important thing is that students are speaking French and learning something new they can teach to their classmates!

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